Our Static Line Cable Systems provide easy mobility around the roof while working at heights using a continuous attachment cable.
Safe@Heights are the leaders in the design, installation, inspection and certification of static line cable systems. Also known as Horizontal Life Lines (HLL), they are one of the safest and most efficient fall arrest systems on the market when you are not able to install a permanent guard railing.
Our highly trained and experienced team can help you design a system that is compliant, safe and fit for purpose. Our Queensland Made HawkPro system comes with an industry leading 15 year warranty when part of our Certification & Safety Program.
To find out more about our static line systems please read below or contact us via our enquiry page.
Learn More About Static Line Systems
The safest type of fall arrest system is a stainless steel static line cable system. Also known as a permanent static line or HLL (Horizontal Life Line), they can be installed in almost any configuration to provide continual attachment when working on or close to a fall edge. There are many different static line systems on the market from all the major height safety manufacturers with each one having its own unique advantages. Safe @ Heights is an authorised installer of all the major brands of height safety systems from Capital Safety, SAYFA Systems, Ferno and Honeywell and of course our very own Queensland Made HawkPro system. We are experts in designing and installing the right static line systems for your particular requirements. As part of the design process we take into account all the major risks, the building design and reason for access, to develop a unique height safety solution which is custom designed for your particular needs.
A properly designed static line system will comply with AS1891.2, AS1891.4 and the Managing the Risk of Falls at Workplaces Code of Practice. There are also certain duties placed upon the PCBU by the Work Health & Safety Regulation 2011 which must also be taken into consideration such as training and induction requirements and rescue.
One of the legal duties placed upon the owner of a fall arrest system by the Work Health and Safety Act is that of providing relevant information and training on how to use the static line systems safely. As a minimum you must provide information regarding the type of system, when it was installed, the rating of the system, when it was last inspected and how to correctly attach. This information should be part of the procedure manual you have for the system. If a worker was to have an incident, it is up to you as the owner to provide that you provided sufficient information and training during the induction for that worker to have been able to work safely. To help with this, we have induction videos on how to use a static line system safely, including how to attach, what equipment to use and the three methods of attachment. To read more about the methods of attachment click here
We are able to supply a system from any of the leading manufacturers however we recommend our Queensland Made HawkPro system. Its low profile and robust design is the perfect system for our Qld environment.
Click Here to see some of our installations
To speak directly with one of our height safety experts who can advise you on the best types of static line systems for your needs please do not hesitate to contact us
The following instructions have been taken directly from our induction and training video.
A cable system must have a minimum rating of 21kN (2 person use) and this must be clearly noted on the certification sign and its inspection tag. If a cable does not have a clearly marked rating, do not use it.
It is important that before you begin to use a cable system that you understand the design of the system and how it was intended to be used. Before you use a system, you should read the Procedure Manual which will have this information or watch the induction and training videos if this is available. There are four vital areas you should understand about a system before you use it
- The instructions on how the system should have been installed
- The lay out or plan of the system
- The certification date of the system
- What type of shuttle or attachment device it requires and how to correctly attach it
Before you attach to a static line cable system, it is vital that you check the system has been installed correctly and is in good condition. Never assume that a cable system has been installed correctly and is fit for use. Always check the system first before attaching. A good indicator if a system is not fit for use is if the cable is slack and is touching or almost touching the roof. This may indicate that the system has been deployed or damaged. If this is the case you should stop work and notify your supervisor or system owner. Do not use the static line systems until it has been inspected and certified as safe to use.
Prior to commencing work, review the roof plan. This will show you the location of the system. It will allow you to correctly select the right equipment and to also plan your route before you get onto the roof.
As part of your access and work plan, you should take into consideration if the position of the system will allow you to safely complete your intended work. If you determine that the current system will not allow you to work safely, do not proceed. Immediately notify your supervisor. Alternative safety measures will need to be employed. Any new control measures must be documented in you SWMS prior to commencement.
Once you have planned your work, check your equipment and correctly fit your harness. Ensure that all your equipment is in good condition and has been certified within the last 6 months. You must only use certified equipment that is in good condition and is fit for purpose.
All static line systems must be certified every 12 months. You will find this information recorded on the System Sign located at the entry point to the roof. If the system has not been certified within the last 12 months do not use the system and report this to your supervisor.
When attaching to a static line system you must only do so via the approved system shuttle. The shuttle has been designed to allow continuous attachment when moving along the cable by passing directly through the intermediate and corner brackets.
Attaching the TRAVEL8 Shuttle
To attach the shuttle, first inspect and insure that it is in good condition. Remove the karabiner and open the shuttle cable lock. Place the shuttle over the cable and shut the lock. Check and ensure that it has closed correctly over the cable. Connect the karabiner. Make one final check that the shuttle is correctly connected to the cable and in the locked position. We have a great video on how to do this correctly.
A static line system should always maintain a set distance from the fall edge. However this may not always be the case. The distance between the cable system and the fall edge may vary. If this occurs, you will need to constantly re-evaluate your position and may need to change your attachment method. Therefore it is recommend that you adhere to the following three rules,
- When moving along a cable system stay within 1m of the cable while attached via a fixed 2m lanyard or a via a rope line that has been adjusted to 2m or less
- When commencing work in a new location along the static line, complete a new assessment to determine what attachment method you should use
- Never assume your rope line length is correct. Always check your safe working line length to ensure you are in fall restraint
For further information on our video and induction packages please contact us
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From Monday 6th of May until Monday 3rd of June we are moving our warehouse. Our estimation office will be closed and we are unable to provide any quotations during this time. Our office is opened for limited hours during this time for PPE inspections and urgent issues. Please call 32085833 to book in any inspections or if you need to speak to one of our team. Thank you